
a person who claims to see into the future


clairvoyant = der Hellseher; clairvoyant (adj.) = hellseherisch



General Motors appeared to have CLAIRVOYANT powers for buying the Hummer brand from military contractor AM General Corp. in late 1999.

BusinessWeek Magazine

Did you


- a person who claims to have powers to see the future or see things which other people cannot see

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


- able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception

Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary

Clairvoyance (from the French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.

Any person who is claimed to have such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant "one who sees clearly".

Claims for the existence of paranormal and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance have not been supported by any scientific evidence published in peer reviewed journals.

Here are lesser-known forms of ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) related to the other human senses:

- clairsentinence = the acquisition of psychic knowledge by means of touch

- clairaudience = ability to gain paranormal information through hearing

- clairalience = acquiring psychic knowledge via smelling

- clairgustance = a form of extra-sensory perception that is supposed to allow one to taste a substance without putting anything in the mouth


(nouns) augur, channeller, diviner, fortune-teller, haruspex, horoscopist, medium, oracle, palm reader, prophet, seer, sibyl, soothsayer, telepath, telepathist, visionary, voodoo doctor

(adjectives) clear-sighted, discerning, extrasensory, far-sighted, farseeing, fey, intuitive, judicious, long-sighted, new age, oracular, penetrating, perceptive, prescient, prophetic, psychic, second-sighted, sibylline, spiritualistic, telepathic, visionary


"Did you hear about the petite clairvoyant who escaped from the police? They are now searching for a small medium at large..."

(at large = to be free, on the run)

Thanks to Kerstin for suggesting today's word and for this joke!

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