
someone who downloads old-fashioned songs


cheesepodder = jemand der sich kitschige oder schnulzige Musik (z.B. Kuschelrock, alte Schlager) vom Internet herunterlädt (DH)



He's a cheesepodder all right. His MP3 player is full of John Denver, Barry Manilow and REO Speedwagon.

Did you


- a person who downloads cheesy songs from the Internet


The Internet has given birth to a number of "netailments”, a word we created to describe illnesses (ailments) caused by too much Internet activity.

We will discuss some of these over the next few weeks, but today we'd like to talk about the cheesepodder or someone who is obsessed with cheesepodding.

Podding is what people with iPods do when they download music or videos. Cheese, which we covered in a separate OWAD article, refers to something of cheap quality or style.

Even native English speakers find it difficult to provide a precise definition of a cheesy song. Here is what Wikipedia says:

Whilst some people light-heartedly enjoy cheese, most people with even a basic interest in music see the term cheese as a derogatory label for a song that fits into one of the following categories:

a) produced for commercial, money-making purposes only.
b) made by a producer with little skill.
c) has poor production values.
d) generally not enjoyable to listen to.

Point d) is debatable because many people do enjoy cheese, though they may feel guilty for listening to music that fits into categories a) b) and c).

Genres that are considered cheesy are normally the most popular and may include 1970s pop, 1980s rock, commercial pop dance and romantic film music (you could also add German Volksmusik and Schlager).

Graham Lawton, a features editor at New Scientist magazine, outed himself as a cheesepodder in a short piece titled "Confessions of a cheesepodder”:

"It started with Africa by Toto, a song so cheesy that you could cover it in plastic wrap and sell it at the deli counter - yet also one of the outstanding soft-rock moments of the early 1980s, if not all time. It was late and I was drunk, playing around with my iTunes library, when for some reason it hit me. I needed to hear that song, right now. Just 79 pence later it was mine.

"We've all got them - cringe worthy songs that we would never admit to liking, at least not while sober. In the past, owning such shameful material entailed possessing a CD, tape or vinyl album that might be discovered and ridiculed by your friends. Not any more. Not in the age of the MP3 player.

"After that the cheese flowed thick and fast. More Than a Feeling by Boston. Down Under by Men at Work. And a few I'm not telling you about.

"I call my habit cheesepodding, and since I discovered it I have found I am not alone. In certain circles there is even an ironic cool to be had from out-cheesing your friends. There is a problem, though. As with all addictions, you end up needing bigger and bigger hits to get the same buzz. Once I started downloading Celine Dion power ballads, I knew it was time to stop.

"Fortunately, I have found a variant that is, if anything, more entertaining. I download songs I know my wife hates and put them onto her iPod while she isn't looking."

(sources: New Scientist, Wikipedia)

say something like:

"Hey Bill, show me your playlists, and I'll tell you if you're a cheesepodder”

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