
a young person of lower social status


chav = eine abwertende Bezeichnung für Jugendliche und junge Menschen der britischen Unterschicht, die durch einen bestimmten Kleidungsstil und Habitus auffallen. --- GOOGLE INDEX chav: approximately 7,600,000 Google hits



Thirteen cabin crew staff have been sacked by Virgin Atlantic over their use of a social networking website, it has emerged. It launched disciplinary action last week following claims staff had used Facebook to criticise its safety standards and call passengers CHAVS.

(BBC News)

The Sunday edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine accused Bettina Wulff's critics of being snobs who, incensed that a "CHAV with a tattoo" ever became first lady, delighted in a second chance to denigrate her.

(The Irish Times)

Did you

noun, slang

- a young lower-class person typified by brash and loutish behaviour and the wearing of (real or imitation) designer clothes

(Oxford English Dictionary)

Chav is a chiefly British expression that has led to lively and controversial discussions in the media. Some consider the word offensive, while others believe it's just another in a line of slang terms that people rely on to characterise individuals or cultures.

Equivalent stereotypes can be found in Ireland (skangers), Northern Ireland (spides), North East England (charvers), North West England (scallies) and Scotland (neds). In the U.S., the term "wigger" is sometimes used to describe this subculture. Short for "white nigger," it refers to young Caucasians who try to emulate the African American culture through their dress and mannerisms.

The origin itself is controversial, with some suggesting that it stems from the Romany word "chavi," meaning child. Others claim it derives from "Chatham average," a degrading reference to the inhabitants of a town in Kent.

The most basic definition refers to the working-class youth subculture in Britain. The stereotype of a chav includes young people who wear designer sportswear such as Burberry and/or cheap jewellery known as bling. The Oxford English Dictionary notes that chav was first published in an Internet forum in 1998 and in a newspaper in 2002.

(sources: BBC News, Wikipedia)

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"I told my daughter to careful of chavs during her next visit to the UK."

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