chain gang

a group of prisoners


chain gang = aneinandergekettete Strafgefangene die im Freien Arbeiten verrichten --- GOOGLE INDEX chain gang: approximately 900,000 Google hits



One of Paul Newman's most famous roles was the title character in Cool Hand Luke, about a CHAIN GANG working in the sweltering Southern heat...


That's the sound of the men working on the CHAIN GANG...

- from the Sam Cooke song "Chain Gang"

Did you

chain gang
noun phrase

- a gang of people (as convicts) chained together especially as an outside working party

(Merriam-Webster Online)

A chain gang is a group of prisoners chained together to perform physical work outdoors as a form of punishment. Such punishment might include building roads, digging ditches or chipping stone. This system existed primarily in the southern parts of the United States, and by 1955 had been phased out nationwide, with Georgia the last state to abandon the practice.

Chain gangs were reintroduced by a few states during the "get tough on crime" 1990s, with Alabama being the first state to revive them in 1995. The experiment ended after about one year in all states except Arizona, where in Maricopa County inmates can still volunteer for a chain gang to earn credit toward a high school diploma or avoid disciplinary action.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"He sometimes acts like the supervisor of a chain gang."

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