carbon footprint

the amount of carbon dioxide (produced by a system)


carbon footprint = die Menge an klimawirksamen Kohlendioxid, für die jeder verantwortlich ist, wenn er Energie verbraucht. (DH)



While Starbucks chooses not to calculate its CARBON FOOTPRINT every year, the company does conduct annual progress checks, but these numbers are not publicly reported.

(Forbes magazine)

The Prince of Wales's income from his Duchy of Cornwall estate has risen over the past year - along with his personal expenditure - while his CARBON FOOTPRINT has fallen, according to his annual review…

(The Guardian Online)

Did you

carbon footprint
noun phrase

The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly and indirectly to support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of either carbon or carbon dioxide.

(The Dictionary Of Sustainable Management)


Carbon footprints are calculated by countries as part of their reporting requirements under the Kyoto Protocol, as well as by companies, regions, or individuals. The calculations include both direct greenhouse gas emissions, such as tailpipe emissions of CO2 from motor vehicles and methane from landfills, and indirect greenhouse gases like those that arise from coal and other fossil-fuel-based energy generated to power residential and commercial activities.

Indirect emissions also result from fossil fuel combustion used in the manufacture, transport, storage, disposal, and recycling of commodities and manufactured products.

The use of the word footprint has its origins in the term "ecological footprint." This phrase was coined by ecologists William Rees and Mathis Wackernage to describe the total ecological impact (the amount of land, food, water, and other resources needed) to sustain a person or organization. This is usually measured in acres or hectares of productive land.

(source: The Dictionary Of Sustainable Management)

say something like:

"Who would ever have thought that we’d be asking smalltalk questions like 'So what is your carbon footprint looking like this year?’"

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