boom and bust

good and bad periods of economic activity


boom and bust = der Wirtschaftszyklus, das Auf und Ab in der Wirtschaft --- GOOGLE INDEX boom and bust: approximately 13,000,000 Google hits



But the Nationwide Building Society said there were few dangers of a 1980s-style BOOM AND BUST, since the economy showed a healthy outlook.

(BBC News archive)

Jonathan Kord Lagemann, a securities attorney, suggests that we need to find a way out of our culture of debt if we're ever going to escape BOOM AND BUST…

(Forbes magazine)

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boom and bust

- the cycle of economic upswings and downswings


The noun "boom’’ stems from the Scottish boun (circa 1543) and originally meant "a long pole.’’ Boun in turn was borrowed from the Dutch boom (tree, pole, beam) and from a Middle Dutch word analogous to the Old English "beam.’’

The business sense of economic activity (1873) is said to be from the nautical meaning of boom: a long pole which extends the foot of a sail. So a ship that was "booming" is one that is in full sail. But it might also simply derive from the verb "boom," to suggest something that happens suddenly.

As it is used in the expression "boom and bust,’’ bust is a sudden failure.

Boom and bust generally refers to economic and business cycles. An economic boom is typically characterized by an increased level of economic output referred to as gross domestic product (GDP), a corresponding increase in total demand for products, lower unemployment, and often a rise in the inflation rate.

During busts, or recessions, total product demand is low, inflation decreases, unemployment rises and national income falls. In extreme recessions deflation (a sustained fall in the general price level) may occur.

Boom and bust can also be used to describe the ups and downs or highs and lows of other situations such as in this article from the Science Daily:

Predicting Boom And Bust Ecologies: The natural world behaves a lot like the stock market, with periods of relative stability interspersed with dramatic swings in population size and competition between individuals and species.


"Boom and bust cycles are very much in the public mind at present."

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