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bog standard
- completely ordinary
(Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms)
Much has been written and discussed regarding the origin of "bog standard". But English wordsmiths around the world can only agree to disagree. One theory is that bog is an alteration of box, as in box standard, which refers to a product that you can use right out of the box without modifications or improvements. Other people believe bog is a shortened form of bog-house, an older word for toilet or latrine.
Others point to the word bog in the context of a swamp or marshy area. The implication is that houses in such areas are typically of sub-standard quality. Finally, a common story has it that bog is really an acronym for "British or German", because Great Britain and Germany established many of the manufacturing standards during the industrial revolution. There is no evidence that the phrase bog-standard was used before the 1960s however.
common, conventional, garden variety, generic, mediocre, normal, pedestrian, plain, plain Jane, routine, run-of-the-mill, simple, undistinguished, unexceptional, uninspired, unremarkable, usual, vanilla, workaday
(Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus)
extraordinary, unique, unusual
(Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus)
say something like:
"I just use a bog standard mobile phone, I don’t need all those fancy features."