
a highly successful film, book, or play


blockbuster = der Kassenschlager blockbuster (adj) = spektakulär --- GOOGLE INDEX blockbuster: approximately 62,000,000 Google hits



Enjoy this amazing duet with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. It may just turn out to be the BLOCKBUSTER of the week:

Paul @

Did you


- a book or film that is very successful, especially because it is exciting

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


- successful, spectacular

Bust or blockbuster?

Stephen King was once dismayed to learn that his book Carrie had been rejected for publication. The unfortunate publisher, who thought the book would be a bust, said, "We are not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell." Carrie was then printed by another publisher, sold more than four million copies and was made into a blockbuster film.

The term blockbuster arose during World War II as Royal Air Force slang for an extremely large (as much as 8000 pounds) type of bomb, so powerful that it was capable of destroying an entire city block of buildings. After the war ended, the term "blockbuster" was taken over by the advertising and movie industry in the 1950s, who added it to such superlatives as "astounding," "incredible," "unbelievable" and "awesome."

Although blockbuster is usually reserved for the arts such as books, films and musicals, it can also be used as an adjective to describe something successful or spectacular (The blockbuster trial has been closely followed by the media).


hit, tour de force, triumph, masterpiece

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"You can never guarantee if a film will be a blockbuster."

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