
to go back to bad habits which one had managed to temporarily stop


backslide = rückfällig werden, zurückfallen, abtrünnig werden backslide = der Rückfall, der Rückgang --- GOOGLE INDEX backslide: approximately 500,000 Google hits



Russia is starting to BACKSLIDE on its commitments to become a fully-fledged member of the global economy.

(The Daily Mail)

Too many changes at too fast of a pace, such as giving up all foods that give pleasure to a person, can cause an individual to BACKSLIDE.

(The Daily News Online)

Did you

verb, noun

- relapse into bad ways or error

(Oxford Dictionary)

To backslide, which is also used as a noun to describe the act of backsliding, is simply a compound word that derives from the verbal phrase "slide back," which of course refers to going back to an old, usually bad habit.

The start of the new year is a time in which many people resolve (as in a New Year's resolution) to improve something in their life: stop smoking, eat better, get more exercise, drink less alcohol. But as the old proverb says, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Speaking of hell, the concept of backsliding has religious roots. Also referred to as falling away, it is a term used in Christianity to describe the process by which a person who has converted to Christianity reverts to pre-conversion habits, which essentially means falling into sin by turning away from God in pursuit of one's own desires.

Today, backslide can refer not only to personal habits, but the policies or actions of groups, organizations, companies or nations.


deviate from, lapse into, revert to, slip into

expressions: fall from grace, leave the straight and narrow

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"My diet was working well until I began to backslide by eating chocolate."

Thanks to Ron for suggesting today's word!

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