AWOL = eigenmächtig abwesend (EA), ohne Erlaubnis abwesend
AWOL: approximately 4,600,000 Google hits
Meryl Streep and George Clooney go AWOL at Toronto International Film Festival
( news portal)
--- Justin Timberlake knew when to shut up, going AWOL from music for almost seven years before returning this spring with a complex, densely produced best-selling album, "The 20/20 Experience."
(New York Times Blog)
Did you know?
AWOL (absent without leave) abbreviation
- absent from where one should be
(Oxford Dictionaries)
--- AWOL is a term that that describes when military personnel are absent from their post without a valid pass or leave. Some units of the U.S. armed forces refer to it as Unauthorized Absence, or UA. Personnel are dropped from their unit rolls after 30 days of absence and then listed as deserters. However, as a matter of U.S. military law, desertion is not measured by time away from the unit, but by instead based on the intent of the absence.
In the United States, before the Civil War, deserters from the Army were flogged. After 1861, tattoos or branding were also adopted. The maximum U.S. penalty for desertion in wartime remains death, although this punishment was last applied in 1945.
No U.S. serviceman has received more than 24 months imprisonment for desertion or missing movement since the beginning of the post September 11th, 2001 era. According to UK and US military authorities, each country experienced around 1,000 and 8,000 desertions respectively during the Iraq war.
While AWOL is originally a military term, it has been adopted by the civilian world to refer to a situation when a person fails to appear at work or other planned events or generally when someone has not been seen for a while.
(partially adapted from Wikipedia)
He was a no show, he was on French leave, he was truant, he was absent, he played hooky
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"Barbara is very reliable but this week she was AWOL from our weekly girls night out."