
promising, hopeful


auspicious = günstig, verheißungsvoll, vielversprechend --- GOOGLE INDEX auspicious: approximately 2,700,000 Google hits



This year happens to be not only the 400th anniversary of Bhutan’s creation as an independent state, but also the most AUSPICIOUS point in the 60-year cycle of Bhutanese astrology: the Year of the Fire Male Monkey marks the birth anniversary of the country’s patron saint, Guru Rinpoche, a powerful 8th-century mystic who conquered demons and spread Buddhism across the Himalayas.

The Economist

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- suggesting a positive and successful future

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Auspicious is a Latin-derived word originally referring to the taking of 'auspices' (Vorbedeutung, Vorzeichen) by the augurs (Wahrsager) of ancient Rome.

An auspicious beginning

Orson Welles completed work on Citizen Kane in 1942. The film is considered one of the great Hollywood movies of all time. The "Wunderkind" Welles was only 27 at the time.

Despite this auspicious start however, his career began to follow a downward arc and was marked by abandoned projects and movies that failed to make money for the studios. Welles even once said, "I started at the top and worked my way down."


bright, encouraging, favourable, lucky, opportune, promising, rosy, propitious, encouraging; opportune, timely, well timed, lucky, fortunate, providential, felicitous, advantageous, beneficial

Note: The opposite of auspicious is inauspicious.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The beautiful weather was an auspicious sign for their wedding day."

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