
a thing that is accepted as true, or as certain to happen, without proof


assumption = die Annahme assumption = etwas als die Wahrheit zu akzeptieren, ohne einen Beweis --- GOOGLE INDEX assumption: approximately 11,500,000 Google hits



Tesla’s battery life will last 100,000 miles in moderate climates based on the ASSUMPTION that most users will charge the car to 80 percent or less of its capacity, as recommended by Tesla.

(International Business Times)

When I had started with the Time Machine, I had started with the absurd ASSUMPTION that the men of the Future would certainly be infinitely ahead of ourselves in all their appliances.

(The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells)

Did you

(verb = to assume)

- a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof

(Oxford Dictionary)

In the US military, higher ranking soldiers like to tell their underlings to never assume anything when carrying out a job because "it makes an ASS out of U and ME." Good advice, but one that is difficult to follow 100 percent because we all have to live with certain assumptions. Otherwise, we would be stuck never knowing if we should act.

An assumption is something that we take to be true or that we take for granted. Every business operates with certain assumptions. For instance, forecasted earnings are based on certain assumptions regarding tax rates, among other things.

But daily life is also filled with assumptions, including that the rubbish will be picked up on Thursdays, that hot water will flow out of the shower in the morning or that your car will start before you go to work.

Assumption is from the Latin assumptionem, meaning "a taking or receiving." It was first recorded around 1300 to describe "the reception of the Virgin Mary into heaven." This religious sense disappeared for the most part, but still lives on through Catholic school names like "Our Lady of the Assumption."


acceptance, belief, conjecture, expectation, hunch, premise, presumption, supposition, theory

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"I'm working under the assumption that the test results will be delivered by Friday, latest."

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