artful dodger

a person who is tricky


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(former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman) Allan Greenspan Turns Into the ARTFUL DODGER Over Tax-Cut Plan

(Time Magazine)

The description of Gordon Brown as the ARTFUL DODGER may be an image that long sticks in the minds of voters after he gets the top job next year.


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artful dodger

- someone who is skilled at avoiding responsibility or the consequences of his/her actions.



The Charles Dickens classic Oliver Twist tells the tale of a young orphan who runs away from miserable conditions in Victorian England and heads to London. During his journey, he meets Jack Dawkins, also known as the artful dodger, who introduces him to Fagin, a criminal who employs bands of young children as pickpockets.

Dawkins, a skilled pickpocket who leads the gang of young criminals trained by Fagin, is known as the artful dodger because of his ability to constantly avoid arrest. Thus the nickname artful dodger has come to represent someone who is adept at staying out of trouble or avoiding the consequences of his or her actions.

In this sense, artful means clever or cunning. Dodger comes from the verb to dodge, which means to avoid something by shifting or moving quickly aside and is also used in the sense of evading something through trickery or deceit.

Many Americans still view former U.S. president Bill Clinton as the ultimate artful dodger for his skill in overcoming the Monika Lewinsky scandal. Others admire him for his ability to “artfully dodge”……..

While there are no direct synonyms for artful dodger, there are several synonyms for the act of avoiding - or dodging - something

avert, circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, escape, get out of, goldbrick, shun, shirk, shy from, sidestep, weasel out of

say something like:

“Be careful with the agency's new account manager, he's a bit of an artful dodger.”

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