a person who sets fires to houses or other buildings
arsonist = der Brandstifter, die Brandstifterin
arsonist: approximately 825,000 Google hits
A £10,000 reward has been offered in the hunt for an ARSONIST who destroyed a church in Brighton.
(BBC News)
--- Volunteer Firefighter Suspected of Being Serial ARSONIST (FireEngineering.com)
Did you know?
arsonist noun
- a person who wilfully or maliciously burns property (as a building), especially with criminal or fraudulent intent
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
--- John Orr was a former fire captain and arson investigator for the Glendale Fire Department in Southern California and to much surprise, a serial arsonist. During the 1980s and early 1990s, a series of fires around the Los Angeles area went unsolved.
Investigators noticed that the fires were started in areas next to major highways. Ironically, they also occured while arson investigation conventions were being held nearby. During the investigation, police discovered an important piece of information: a fingerprint on a time-delay incendiary device from a 1987 fire in Fresno, California.
The fingerprint belonged to arson investigator John Orr. In addition to the fingerprint and other evidence that was linked to Orr, an earlier incident sparked suspicion. Orr was one of the arson investigators assigned to a 1984 South Pasadena fire that destroyed a hardware store, killing four people.
All of the arson investigators agreed that the cause was an electrical fire, but Orr insisted that it was arson. Orr was convicted on three counts of arson and sentenced to life in prison.
Etymology: Arson stems from the Late Latin arsio, arsion-, from Latin arsus, past participle of ardere, to burn.
pyromaniac, fire-starter, fire-bug, incendiary
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"We suspect that an arsonist started the factory fire!"