apply Occam's razor

use the simplest explanation


apply Occam's razor = sich auf das Einfachste bzw. Wesentliche beschränken --- GOOGLE INDEX apply Occam's razor: approximately 350,000 Google hits



A good way to begin to APPLY OCCAM'S RAZOR to the situation in Tal Afar is to examine the city's history and demographic distribution from the perspective of city planning.

(Military Review magazine)

This makes such investments very risky, and thus it is more reasonable to APPLY OCCAM'S RAZOR and think of the problem from this straightforward angle.

(New York Times blog)

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apply Occam's razor

- if there is more than one explanation, use the simplest one

Occam's razor is a basic - but frequently misused - principle of logic and philosophy. It is also considered a fundamental method of science.

Occam's razor goes by many complicated names, including the Principle of Parsimony, Rejection of Unnecessary Hypotheses and Rejection of Multiplication of Explanations.

Although the principle was known in antiquity, even as far back as Aristotle, it is named after the medieval theologian and monk William of Occam.

Occam's razor essential says that one should not believe something for which one has no evidence. Alternatively, it means that of two ideas which explain the same evidence, the simpler idea is to be preferred. The word razor is used to suggest shaving away unnecessary assumptions to find the simplest explanation.

A modern-day version of Occam's razor is the acronym KISS: Keep It Short and Simple

(source: BBC News)

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"I applied Occam's razor the problem, and the answer suddenly became clear."

Thanks to Stephanie for suggesting today's word

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