
strong loyalty


allegiance = Loyalität, Treuepflicht, Gefolgschaftstreue, Anhänglichkeit, Untertanentreue, Untertanenpflicht to pledge allegiance to = Treue schwören declaration of allegiance = Treueerklärung [dem Staat gegenüber] --- GOOGLE INDEX allegiance: approximately 30,100,000 Google hits



Palin Pledges ALLEGIANCE to Trump. Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump for president, and Hillary Clinton received the backing of the largest LGBT-rights group in the U.S.

The Edge

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- strong loyalty to a person, group, idea, or country

(MacMIllan Dictionary)
In Anglo-French legaunce, meaning "loyalty of a liege-man to his lord", whereby liege is a type of servant, in the feudal system of the 1300s. Today the word more generally refers to loyal behaviour.

Most US Americans immediately think of the Pledge of Allegiance, a ritual of citizenship. A pledge is a promise.

In about half of US states today, schoolchildren must stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance, with the right hand resting on the heart. In a few states, teachers lead the pledge, but children are not required to participate. The text is as follows:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Not everyone agrees with this practice and there have been several lawsuits against it. Some people object to the way the pledge is lead. Other people object to the mention of God, saying the pledge is meant to be a political, and not a religious promise.


loyalty, dedication, commitment, obligation, obedience, partnership

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"New presidents must swear allegiance to the principles of the country's constitution."

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