the invasion of advertising into previously ad-free spaces
ad creep = allmähliche Nutzung aller möglichen Flächen für Werbung
ad creep: approximately 12,000 Google hits
Super Bowl AD CREEP Gave Viewers Nearly 48 Minutes of Commercials Last Year
--- Bay Area Rapid Transit received almost 200 letters from riders opposing this AD CREEP
Did you know?
ad creep noun phrase, buzzword
- the gradual introduction of advertising into previously ad-free spaces
--- Ad creep is a classic example of a buzzword, which is defined as a word or phrase that is frequently used because of its importance or popularity especially among a certain age-group or profession. Ad is short for advertising and creep is a verb that means to move slowly, quietly or secretly.
Creep is also slang for a disgusting person and the adjective creepy means causing feelings of fear. For that reason, one could interpret the term "ad creep" as having a double meaning.
In an example of what we might call "buzzword creep," there is a wide range of other creepy expressions including:
- mission creep = the expansion of a project beyond its original goals, especially where this has undesirable consequences, such as in a military conflict
- Christmas creep = the tendency for Christmas products, decorations and advertising to be displayed earlier each year
- season creep - earlier change of seasons due to global warming
- function/functionality creep = when an item or procedure designed for a specific purpose ends up serving another purpose for which it was not intended
(definitions from the MacMillan Dictionary)
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"Ad creep at sport events detracts attention away from the game."