
to officially end a custom or an activity


abolish = abschaffen, aufheben --- GOOGLE INDEX abolish: approximately 16,800,000 Google hits



Ukraine May ABOLISH VAT on Imported Oil

(Bloomberg business news)

In June 1985, leaders from Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands met in Schengen, Luxembourg, and agreed gradually to ABOLISH checks at shared borders.

(BBC News)

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- formally put an end to something (a system, practice or institution)

(Oxford English Dictionary)

Etymology: abolish stems from the Middle French "aboliss" and the Latin "abolere" "destroy, cause to die out, retard the growth of (ab- "from" + adolere "to grow"). The noun form - abolition - is either form the Middle French abolition or directly from the Latin abolitionem (nominative abolitio), a noun of action from the past participle stem of abolere (to destroy).

The verb abolish and the noun abolition have long been used to describe officially bringing an end to certain practices and customs such as monarchies, government legislation and the death penalty among other things. One of the most significant events was the abolishment of slavery in the U.S. Most Americans automatically associate the word abolition with this act.

The movement to end the slave trade began as far back as 1542 when Spain enacted the first European law abolishing colonial slavery. Revolutionary France ended slavery in 1789, but it was restored by Napoleon in the French colonies more than a decade later after his subversion of the French Revolution. Haiti achieved independence from France and brought an end to slavery during the same period.

Britain banned the importation of African slaves in its colonies in 1807, and the United States followed in 1808. Britain ended slavery throughout the British Empire with the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 and the French colonies abolished it 15 years later. Slavery in the United States was abolished in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a law that was set in motion by the so-called Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order issued by then U.S. President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 that called for an end to slavery.

(source: Wikipedia)


annul, cancel, destroy, dissolve, end, eradicate, negate, overturn, repeal, revoke, rescind, void

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Abolishing alcohol at professional football games could help reduce fan violence."

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