a wet blanket

a pessimistic person


wet blanket = Spielverderber, Miesmacher, Spaßbremse, Trauerkloß —- Don’t be a wet blanket! = Sei kein Frosch! — to put a wet blanket on sth. = etw. dämpfen (Freude etc.)



"Patrick Stewart, the actor who played the captain on TV's Star Trek has said he thinks resources spent on sending people into space should be used on 'getting this place right first'..."

"I'm a bit of A WET BLANKET when it comes to the whole business of space travel," he said in a BBC interview, "Earth should be our focus rather than other planets."

BBC News

Did you

a wet blanket
informal noun phrase

- a person whose low spirits or lack of enthusiasm have a depressing effect on others

(Collins Dictionary)

- A person or thing that spoils the fun.

(The Dictionary of Clichés)


Wet blanket “person who has a dispiriting effect” is recorded from 1879, from use of blankets drenched in water to smother fires (the phrase is attested in this literal sense from 1662).

All wet “in the wrong” is recorded from 1923; earlier wet meant “ineffectual” maybe from the slang meaning “drunken” from around 1700.


- Wet nurse (Amme, Säugamme) from 1620
- Wet dream (feuchter Traum) from 1851
- Wetback (illegal Mexican immigrant to the US, from the notion of wading the Rio Grande) from 1924


- person
drag, drip, grouch, flat tire, grind, killjoy, malcontent, pain, pest, party pooper, poor sport, spoilsport, sourpuss, spreader of gloom, stuffed shirt, wimp, deadhead, deadwood

- information (or news)
bad news, bother, bummer, cold water, damper, downer, drag, drip, dullsville

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

"Hey Jim, don't be a WET BLANKET, the possible gains from this fun campaign far outweight potential losses."

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