a toss-up = völlig offen, ungewisse Sache — it’s a toss-up whether… = Es hängt ganz vom Zufall ab, ob … — toss-up state [swing state] = US-Bundesstaat mit wechselnder Wählermehrheit — to decide by toss-up = durch Wurf einer Münze entscheiden
“It’s A TOSS-UP whether oil prices will go up or down over the days ahead.”
Collins Dictionary
a toss-up
- a situation in which any of two or more outcomes or options is equally possible.
Oxford Compact Dictionary
No one is certain where the term ‘a toss-up’ originated, although it is believed to be a direct reference to the act of flipping a coin. Coins with different designs on either side have been produced for thousands of years, and it is quite likely that this expression has its origins in ancient times.
In some sports competitions such as football, a referee flips - or tosses - a coin to give one team the option of starting the game on offence or deciding which goal to defend.
This expression is frequently used in politics, for instance when two candidates are running for office and the race is very close (it’s a toss-up who will win the election), but it can be applied to any situation where the outcome is uncertain (it’s a toss-up as to whether we will get approved for a loan to purchase a home).
"Toss" is also used in several other idioms:
toss aside = to throw something or someone out of the way (He tossed the other passengers aside and rushed to be the first one off the plane)
toss a salad = to mix various salad ingredients together (I’ll toss the salad right before the guests arrive)
toss around = to discuss something (They tossed around the idea of going to the Bahamas on holiday)
toss down/toss back = to drink something quickly (He tossed down a beer and ordered another one)
Practice OWAD in an English conversation, say something like:
“It's A TOSS-UP as to whether the meeting will actually take place next week. The decision will be announced tomorrow.”
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Paul Smith