a personal slight = Beleidigung, Geringschätzung, Kränkung, Affront
personal slight: approximately 100,000 Google hits
Mostly it was a sustained wail of anguish and outrage from media elites, who identify so strongly with their beloved Barack Obama that they took Giuliani’s s remarks as a PERSONAL SLIGHT against them.
(Fox News)
--- Your average celebrity feud starts with a PERSONAL SLIGHT that escalates into a hashtag-laden Twitter battle and culminates with a late-night talk show appearance.
(Washington Post)
Did you know?
personal slight noun phrase
- an insult often caused by a failure to show someone proper respect or attention
(Oxford Dictionary)
--- The noun slight stems from the adjective "slight," which evolved from the original meaning of flat, smooth or hairless to the modern sense of small, insignificant, inferior, trifling. It's related to both the German "schlecht" (bad) and "schlicht" (plain, simple).
The adjective form is very common and is used in various "slightly" different forms:
- small in degree - The stock market experienced a slight increase today.
- not significant, trivial (especially of a creative work) - The play was a slight romantic comedy
- not sturdy, thin (usually of a person) - She had a slight and delicate build.
The form "slightest" is also very common and means "not at all, whatsoever" (I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about).
When used in the context of an insult, slight can be used either as a noun (He took their comments as a personal slight) or verb (He felt slighted by the other members of the team). This stems from the adjective in the sense of having little worth and is equivalent to the meanwhile popular slang term "diss," which is short for disrespect.
affront, brush-off, disrespect, indifference, insult, the cold shoulder, discourtesy, rebuff, slap in the face, snub
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"His feedback was not meant as a personal slight."