a person of colour

a person who is not white


a person of colour = ein Person mit nicht-weißer Hautfarbe --- GOOGLE INDEX a person of colour/color: approximately 475,000 Google hits



OPSEU is proud to have had the only PERSON OF COLOUR elected as a leader of a major union in Canada, Fred Upshaw.


Since Obama is the first PERSON OF COLOR elected President of the United States, he will speak of the amazing road traveled by African-Americans from Lincoln’s time to ours.

(Fox News)

Did you

person of colour (color U.S.)
noun phrase

A person who is not white or of European parentage.

(Oxford Dictionary)


In his famous August 1963 speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC where he uttered his famous words "I have a dream," civil rights activist Martin Luther King also spoke of America’s "citizens of colour." This was just one expression in a series of many to describe non-white people and primarily those whose ancestors were African slaves. In the United States, these people were at one time referred to as coloured, negro, black and African American in addition to scores of racially offensive terms.

Person of colour is the latest attempt to be "inclusive," meaning to describe a non-white person by including anyone who is not white, although the term generally refers to those of African origin. Some people see this as an example of simply being "politically correct." However this tends to understate the impact of centuries of racial strife in the United States.

Person of colour is generally viewed as a positive-sounding expression and is well-received by most blacks in the U.S. Although the phrase did not gain popularity until the 80s, there is evidence that it was used even in the late 18th century by free blacks in an effort to dissociate themselves from Africans.

French-speaking colonies once used the expression "gens de couleur libres," which translates as "free people of color".


"You will find people of colour in senior management positions throughout the US."

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