a game-changer

a significant event which completely changes the rules of the game


a game-changer = Regelbruch als strategische Methode, Veränderung der Spielregeln, Paradigmenwechsel, radikale/bahnbrechende Änderung, Technik zum Durchbruch gegen bekannte traditionelle Alternativen, Killerapplikation --- GOOGLE INDEX a game-changer: approximately 13,900,000 hits



Nintendo's new Wii U aims to be a GAME-CHANGER. Games giant believes the Wii U, complete with touchscreen, HD, camera and phone, will compete with rivals Microsoft and Sony.

The Guardian

Did you

noun phrase

- a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

According to Ben Zimmer, language columnist for The Wall Street Journal, the first mention of the term game-changer came from The Atlanta Constitution’s "Bridge Forum" on June 29, 1930, in an article reporting on attempts to improve the game of bridge: "Seldom are the game-changers idle."

William Safire, at The New York Times, also provides a number of references to the phrase in recent decades, primarily from sports reporting, where athletes really do change the outcome of the game with a good play, pass or score.

Now the expression firmly belongs in the area of business jargon, and is mainly used when talking about innovation.

Here are other game-changing "game" idioms:

- ahead of the game = to have an advantage (We will need more financing if we want to stay ahead of the game)

- game plan = strategy (Let's hold a meeting to inform the team of our game plan for the product launch)

- not all fun and games = serious work (I know the assignment is in Las Vegas, but it's not all fun and games, you know)

- play games = be dishonest or deceive someone (I'm afraid Charlie's playing games with you)


big idea, innovation, shift in thinking

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"For many suppliers in the car industry autonomous vehicles will be a real game-changer."

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