blue economy

the marine resource industry


blue economy = “Blaue Wirtschaft” (zur blauen Wirtschaft gehören alle Sektoren, die direkt oder indirekt etwas mit dem Meer zu tun haben, wie Meeresenergie, Küstentourismus oder Marine Biotechnologie)



“UNDP to boost BLUE ECONOMY in SIDS and coastal LDCs. These innovators offer fresh thinking and novel approaches to a healthier, more resilient ocean, and will benefit vulnerable Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and coastal Least Developing Countries (LDCs).”

United Nations Development Programme (28th May 2024)

“Attention to the ‘BLUE ECONOMY’ is increasing as rising ocean temperatures hit records and sea levels rise.”

Coco Liu — Bloomberg (29th April 2024)

Did you

blue economy (also ocean economy)

- economic models focusing on sustainability in the world's oceans and seas

- the sustainable use of ocean resources to benefit economies, livelihoods, and ocean ecosystem health

Collins Dictionary / The World Bank


The term "blue economy" is a relatively recent coinage, with the earliest known usage dating back to the early 2000s.

The concept emerged in the context of promoting sustainable development models that balance economic growth with environmental protection, especially for coastal and island nations heavily dependent on ocean resources.

“Blue economy" was popularized at the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) as an offshoot of the "green economy" concept, with an emphasis on the marine dimension.


- BLUE Economy = refers to the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs, while preserving the health of the marine environment (value around $2.5 trillion annually, equivalent to the world’s 7th largest economy).

- RED Economy = refers to communist or state-controlled economies where the government controls production and distribution of goods and services (value unknown due to lack of reliable data).

- GREEN Economy = an economy focused on sustainable development, renewable energy, and minimizing environmental degradation and carbon emissions (value in excess of $1 trillion annually).

- BROWN Economy = an economy heavily reliant on environmentally destructive activities like fossil fuel extraction, mining, and industries that cause pollution and deplete natural resources (value $3.2 trillion annually).

- WHITE Economy = this term has been used to describe the digital/tech economy or knowledge-based economic activities (value in excess of $11.5 trillion annually).

- ORANGE Economy = while not widely used, this may refer to the creative industries and cultural economy (value in excess of $4 trillion annually).

- SILVER Economy = economic activities and industries catering to the needs and demands of the elderly/aging population (value approaching $15 trillion annually).

- PINK Economy = refers to the market geared towards the LGBTQ+ community and upholding LGBTQ+ rights (value in excess of $4.6 trillion annually).

- GREY Economy = the informal sector, including unreported/untaxed economic activities and black market transactions (value is hard to evaluate precisely, estimates suggest it could represent over $10 trillion annually).


- for "blue":

aquamarine, azure, beryl, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, cyan, deep blue, indigo, lapis, marine, midnight blue, navy, periwinkle, robin's egg, royal blue, sapphire, sky blue, slate blue, teal, turquoise, ultramarine

SMUGGLE OWAD into a sentence, say something like:

“Given that over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, the BLUE ECONOMY is of major importance to the future of our planet.”

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Paul Smith


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