


supine = träge, gleichgültig —— supine = auf dem Rücken liegend



“Mr Adani himself recently bought ndtv, a news channel that was once critical of the government but is now SUPINE. For India to prosper, its institutions will in the long run be just as important as its infrastructure.”

The Economist (9th February 2023)

“Centrica's SUPINE shareholders should look further than the share price. Companies with rising share prices and dividends do not suffer rebellions over boardroom pay.”

Nils Pratley - The Guardian (13th June 2023)

Did you


- if you are supine, you are weak and willing to accept the control of others

- lying on the back or with the face upward

Cambridge Dictionary /  Merriam-Webster


The word "supine" (from c. 1500) has its roots in Latin. It comes from the Latin word supinus, which means "lying on the back" or "bent backward”.

The sense of "morally or mentally inert, negligent, listless, heedless" appeared in English around 1600.

Over time, the word "supine" has come to be used in English to describe a posture of lying on one's back with the face upward or figuratively to describe a passive or inactive attitude.


Comedian Joan Rivers claimed to be the laziest person in the family. During an interview one day she offered a lovely example. "When I watch a tennis match," she said with a shrug, "I never turn my head. Why should I exert myself? When the ball doesn't come back, I know somebody missed it."


acquiescent, apathetic, apathetical, do-nothing, docile, dormant, dull, enervated, feeble, idle, inactive, incompetent, indifferent, indolent, inert, lackadaisical, languid, lax, lazy, lethargic, listless, motionless, passive, pliant, quiet, sedentary, sluggish, spiritless, spineless, submissive, subordinate, SUPINE, tolerant, unconcerned, uninterested, unresponsive, weak

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“When feeling that something is incorrect, it’s usually better to speak up than to be SUPINE.”

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