
the name of a rapidly expanding retail chain


Google index Smiggle = 907,000 hits



Solomon Lew: the billionaire behind SMIGGLE, FCUK and Country Road.

In the street fight that is modern retail, Solomon Lew is a seasoned veteran who's not afraid to take on anyone who stands in his way. A polarising figure, he's feared and admired in equal measures but Lew's reputation for toughness is the stuff of business folklore.

Sydney Morning Herald

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Proper name

Smiggle is an Australian-based retail store chain that sells stationery and related accessories. It was founded in Melbourne by Stephen Meurs and Peter Pausewang in 2003 and acquired by the Just Group in July 2007.

Smiggle started as an idea by Stephen Meurs and Peter Pausewang who saw a gap in the market for fun, engaging, collectable, fashionable, and affordable stationery aimed at the 5 to 14 year age group.

In late 2002, Meurs started designing, developing and producing the first lines of Smiggle stationery, while Kate Martino was tasked to look for suitable retail sites around Melbourne. Today Smiggle has over 150 stores worldwide .

The name 'Smiggle' is a mashup word of smile and giggle, reflecting the company's aims for its products.

So, dear OWADer, if you first chose "to smile and giggle at the same time" in today's quiz, you were actually also correct,... apologies for forcing you to choose the retail store :)


In March 2009, Smiggle was the subject of national controversy when they commenced selling voodoo doll pencil cases which included a space to place a small photo, complete with accompanying black and red heart-shaped pins to stick into the doll-shaped item.

The product was blamed for one case involving a 13-year-old girl being bullied by other school pupils using it. Lobby group, Kids Free 2B Kids' director, Julie Gale told the media, "I think it's typical lack of awareness from retailers... just thinking it's a cute idea not really thinking it through," adding, "It's just not appropriate."

A week later Smiggle withdrew the pencil cases from shelves, leaving the chain's Manager for Retail Operations, Kate Martino to write, "It was certainly never our intention to have our product used in a negative manner.

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