


clutch = umklammern, festhalten, ergreifen, kuppeln, packen, umklammert halten — pearl-clutching = sich künstlich aufregen; übertriebene, melodramatische Reaktion, Perlenkettensyndrom — pearl clutch = Perlenkupplung



“Just from a political standpoint, the PEARL-CLUTCHING amongst Republicans about the idea that he would go to jail, from the people who were cheering Donald Trump’s ‘lock her up’ chant in 2016 is a little rich.”

Tommy Christopher — Mediaite (31st May 2024)

“Antiques Roadshow is probably the last programme you’d expect to hear risqué comments on. However, on Christmas Eve, the BBC show left viewers, quite literally, CLUTCHING THEIR PEARLS”.

Emily Bashforth — Metro Entertainment (24th December 2023)

Did you

noun or adjective phrase

- to behave as if you are very shocked, especially when you show more shock than you really feel, in order to show that you think something is morally bad

- a very shocked reaction, especially one in which you show more shock than you really feel, in order to show that you think something is morally wrong

Cambridge Dictionary, Dictionary Com


The literal act of clutching pearls in shock or surprise has been referenced in literature since at least the early 20th century. A 1910 issue of Chambers Journal mentions "my hand went out without any conscious volition and clutched the pearls”.

The term is derived from the literal act of clutching one's pearls—often imagined as a gesture of shock or dismay, particularly associated with wealthy or upper-class women of earlier eras. In many depictions in film or literature, a woman might reach for her pearl necklace in a moment of horror or surprise, signifying moral panic or scandalized outrage. This gesture became a visual shorthand for overreaction or prudishness.

Pearls are historically associated with wealth, refinement, and femininity, especially in Western cultures. The image of a woman clutching pearls during a moment of shock plays into stereotypes about delicate, conservative women who are easily scandalized by breaches of social decorum.

The phrase "pearl-clutching" gained popularity in the late 20th century, particularly in media and online discourse, as a sarcastic critique of those who display overtly moralistic or conservative responses to modern, progressive ideas. It’s often used to mock people who react excessively to issues related to cultural changes, social norms, or taboos.

Nowadays, it often carries a critical or dismissive tone, suggesting that the person's reaction is out of proportion or insincere.


- Aghast = filled with horror or shock.

- Alarmism = the tendency to exaggerate potential dangers or raise unnecessary alarm.

- Apoplectic = overcome with anger or shock, red-faced and almost unable to breathe.

- Clutching one's rosary = a variation of pearl-clutching used in more religious contexts.

- Fainting couch moment = referring to the Victorian-era furniture used by women who felt faint, implying an exaggerated reaction.

- Freaking out = an informal term for becoming very agitated or panicked.

- Hand-wringing = this term similarly describes an exaggerated or dramatic display of worry or distress.

- Having kittens = a British expression for being extremely worried or upset.

- Having vapors = an outdated term for a sudden feeling of faintness or nervousness, now used humorously.

- Hyperventilating = figuratively used to describe an overly excited or agitated reaction.

- Hysteria = an uncontrolled emotional state characterized by extreme excitement or anxiety.

- Melodrama = an exaggerated emotional or dramatic response to a situation.

- Moral grandstanding = making ostentatious displays of moral superiority.

- Moral outrage = strong indignation aroused by perceived breaches of morality.

- Moral panic = a reaction of fear or outrage over something perceived as a threat to societal values.

- Outrage = an intense feeling of anger or indignation, often in response to something considered offensive or shocking.

- Priggishness = being excessively proper or moralistic.

- Prudishness = excessive propriety or modesty in behaviour or speech.

- Sanctimoniousness = a term describing excessively or hypocritically pious behaviour.

- Scandalized = being shocked or outraged by perceived impropriety.

- Swooning = dramatically fainting or feeling weak with emotion.

- Tut-tutting = making disapproving or contemptuous remarks.

- Virtue signaling = conspicuously expressing moral values to enhance one's image.


What conclusions can we draw from the richness of synonyms for “shocked surprise” in the Anglosphere?

And the next thing I knew! Are you serious? Bless my soul! Blimey! Bloody hell! Blow me down! By George! By Jove! By my stars! Clutch your pearls! Cor blimey! (Cockney), Crikey! Cripes! Crumbs! Deuce! Do I have news! For crying out loud! For Pete's sake! Gobsmacked! Golly! Good grief! Good heavens! Good Lord! Goodness gracious! Gordon Bennett! Gosh! Gracious gum! Great balls of fire! Great Caesar's ghost! Great Scott! Hallelujah! Heaven help us! Heavens above! Heavens to Betsy! Hell's bells! Holy cow! Holy guacamole! Holy mackerel! Holy moly! Holy smokes! I ask you! I can't believe it! I declare! I'll be a monkey's uncle! I'll be blowed!, It's a wonder! Jeepers! Jeez! Just imagine! Land sakes! Lawdy mercy! Lo lo and behold! Mercy me! My goodness! No kidding! No shit! No way! Of all people/things/places! Oh my God! Saints preserve us! Shock horror! Shiver me timbers! Shut the front door! Speak/talk of the devil! Stone the crows! Strewth! (Australian), Sweet mother of pearl! That beats everything! That takes the biscuit/cake! That's a new one on me! Unbelievable! Upon my word! Wait for it! Well butter my biscuit! Well I never! Well I'll be! Well knock me down with a feather! Well paint me green and call me a cucumber! Well slap my knee! Well slap my thigh! Well tickle me pink! What in tarnation! What on earth! Who would have thought it? Wonders never cease! Words fail me! Wow! Ye gods! You could have knocked me over with a feather! You don't say! You're kidding!

If aliens were ever to land in an English-speaking country, we suspect that even they might be thinking, “By my stars! These Earthlings sure do have a lot of ways to say 'Wow!'"


SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“A ‘meh-reaction’ is probably the best response in situations where others are PEARL-CLUTCHING.”


THANKS to Bettina in London for suggesting the pearl-clutch.

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