
a biting insect


skeeter = Moskito, Mücke, Schnake



Rhino SkeeterVac Mosquito Trap uses propane gas to artificially create human breath, it excretes carbon dioxide in the air which is also a component of human breath.

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skeeter (USA, Australia)
colloquial noun

- a colloquial shortening of the word mosquito

- a two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals.

source: etymology dictionary, the freedictionary


The word SKEETER first appeared in print in 1839, exactly the same year as the words: commando, malt whiskey, and photograph.

SYNONYMS (US regions)

maringouin, swamp angel, gabber napper, galliwopper, granny-nipper, nighthawk, brasshead, drill bug, mitsy, mossie


Which food or drink can influence the behaviour of mosquitoes?

A 2002 study in The Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, showed that ingesting beer significantly increased the percentage of mosquitoes  landing on subjects, though precisely why was unclear.

Typically, mosquitoes locate their victims by seeking out body heat, lactic acid and carbon dioxide. People who are attacked less, studies show, appear to have genes that make them better able to disguise themselves. So far, the substance best known to block mosquitoes’ powers of detection the best is DEET, which acts by blinding their senses.

Garlic, perhaps because of its strong odour, has long been said to be a magic mosquito repellent. But studies so far have found that claim to be little more than wishful thinking.

Eating garlic may repel other humans (and maybe even vampires) but apparently not SKEETERS.

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