
a clever business person


wheeler-dealer = Geschäftemacher, Schlitzohr, gerissener Typ, Mauschler



Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was a skilful WHEELER-DEALER, and after making a small fortune in real estate expanded into commercial television, publishing and advertising.

(BBC News)

Colonel Tom Parker, the Dutch-born WHEELER-DEALER who managed Elvis Presley, predicted after the singer's death that the legend -- and the marketing -- would live on.

(The Washington Post)

Did you

US colloquialism

- one who advances one's own interests by canny, aggressive, or unscrupulous behavior

(American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition)


The most popular theory about the origin of wheeler-dealer is that it referred to the serious gamblers in the saloons of the American Wild West. The reference is apparently to playing at the roulette wheel and the poker table (the dealer is the person who gives out the cards). It may also have something to do with the term "big wheel", slang for an important person or business operator. The fact that wheeler-dealer also rhymes makes it an appealing colloquial expression.

Although wheeler-dealer implies a dishonest approach, whether in business or politics, it’s frequently used to describe people who simply get what they want through aggressive and clever means. The method might be considered morally questionable, but not necessarily illegal.

The stereotype of the "backroom politician" is a good example of someone who likes to wheel and deal.


big-time operator, horse trader, operator, shark

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

"Take care when negotiating with Bob, he's a bit of a WHEELER-DEALER."

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