illustrious = glanzvoll, erhaben, erlaucht, gefeiert, hochberühmt, glorreich. Otto the Illustrious [Otto I, Duke of Saxony] = Otto der Erlauchte
"It was in the quest of a solution that the ILLUSTRIOUS Mrs. Catesby had honoured us with a morning call."
Mrs. Fitz (novel) by J. C. Snaith
- well known, respected, and admired for past achievements
Oxford Dictionary
- notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions
Illustrious is a superlative, meaning that it expresses the highest or a very high degree of a quality. An illustrious career is more than just a good career; it's a very successful one that people respect.
It stems from the Latin illustris, meaning "lighted, bright, brilliant" in a literal sense. The figurative sense probably derived from the Latin verb illustrare, to "embellish, distinguish, make famous."
A shorter version of illustrious also exists in the adjective "lustrous," which often refers to a shiny surface (She wore a set of lustrous pearls). But it can also be used as a synonym for illustrious (His parents are proud of his lustrous achievements)
Illustrious also related to the noun illustration, which originally referred to a shining, such as a spiritual illumination. The modern sense relates to a picture or drawing or an example that makes something easier to understand (That's an excellent illustration of the problem).
brilliant, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, esteemed, famed, famous, glorious, great, noble, notable, noted, outstanding, renowned
Practice OWAD is a conversation
"He is retiring after a long and ILLUSTRIOUS scientific career."