


diligent = fleißig, emsig --- GOOGLE INDEX diligent: approximately 21,000,000 Google hits



North Korean radio consists largely of revolutionary anthems about being a DILIGENT farmer.

(The Guardian)

We're quite DILIGENT in screening patients to make sure that the patients we're seeing are genuinely sick.

(The Londoner)

Did you


- conscientious, hardworking

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Diligent comes us from the Latin diligere, to value highly, to delight in, and the Latin diligentem, meaning attentive, assiduous, by way of the French diligence (attention, care). It's basically another word for hardworking.

The noun form is diligence, about which much has been written over the centuries. Even Buddha has an opinion on this topic:

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.

Other well-known diligent people have chimed in on this subject as well, such as American inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin:

"Leisure is the time for doing something useful. This leisure the diligent person will obtain, the lazy one never." Not satisfied with merely one quote, he went on to say that, "Diligence is the mother of good luck."

Pub trivia: What do horses and carts have to do with diligent? In the 18th century the expression "carrosse de diligence" was French slang for stagecoach and stemmed from the idea of diligence as in the steady effort of a horse.


assiduous, careful, conscientious, hardworking, industrious, persevering, steadfast, tireless

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Thanks to everyone's diligent efforts, we completed the project on time."

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