
a problem that is difficult to solve


conundrum = das Rätsel, die Zwickmühle ( --- GOOGLE INDEX conundrum: approximately 5,500,000 hits



The report attempts to resolve a long-standing CONUNDRUM - namely how to devise a system of testing which both helps improve pupils' learning and holds schools to account for their performance.

(The BBC News)

Whether talking about addiction, taxation or education, there is always at the center of the conversation an essential CONUNDRUM: How come we are selling this deadly stuff anyway?

- author and newspaper columnist Anna Quindlen about cigarettes

Did you


- a confusing and difficult problem or question.

- a riddle

(Compact Oxford English Dictionary)


According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, conundrum was a late 16th century word that referred to a "whim", a sudden desire or idea that can't be explained. It was also used to describe a pedant, someone who is too interested in small unimportant details and formal rules. How this meaning originated is unknown. Sometime later it began to be used in the sense of a riddle, a pun or a word play.

In the late 18th century, it took on another spelling, quonundrum. This likely originated from the common practice in English universities of creating humorous Latin-sounding words. Today, in addition to describing a problem that is difficult if not impossible to solve because it is based on conflicting interests, a conundrum is also a riddle that is answered with a pun or word play:

Question 1: At what time of day was Adam created?

Question 2: What belongs to you, but is mostly used by others?

Question 3: A hunter hangs up a small tin can, walks straight away 100 paces, puts on an impenetrable blindfold, turns around 3 times, fires one shot and hits the can. How is this possible?

(Scroll down for answers)


brain-teaser, closed book, enigma, mind-boggler, mystery, mystification, poser, problem, puzzle, stumper

bind, box, catch 22, corner, difficulty, double bind, fix, hole, impasse, jam, mess, mire, perplexity, pickle, plight, predicament, quandary, scrape, spot, strait

* A frequently heard idiom that describes a practical conundrum is the expression "to be between a rock and a hard place."

(Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus)


Answer 1: A little before Eve.
Answer 2: Your name.
Answer 3: He hangs the tin on the end of his rifle.

say something like:

"It’s a real conundrum to me how people can pay such enormous sums of money for some works of modern art."

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