
to divide into two parts


bifurcate = sich in zwei Elemente bzw. Zweige teilen bifurcate = sich gabelförmig teilen (z.B. ein Fluss oder Weg) bifurcation (noun) = die Verzweigung, die Gabelung --- GOOGLE INDEX bifurcate/bifurcation: approximately 5,000,000 Google hits



This would mean that, whenever a government depended upon Scottish MPs for its majority, the Commons would become BIFURCATED.

(BBC News)

The neighborhood was starting to BIFURCATE, with artists’ lofts to the east of West Broadway and tenements with Italian and Portuguese families to the west, Mr. Lohn said.

(New York Times)

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- to divide into two parts or branches


(American Heritage Dictionary)

Bifurcate stems from the Medieval Latin bifurcatus (bi = two or two parts + furca = fork). While the original meaning was restricted to dividing into two parts, it's not uncommon to hear people apply it to situations in which something is divided into more than two parts.

The primary usage was also originally scientific, but in the 80s it gained popularity in the business world and since then has increasingly been used in a general sense of dividing or separating. The concept of bifurcation nonetheless has specific application in several scientific fields:

- bifurcation theory (mathematics) = the change in the qualitative character of a solution as a control parameter is varied

- river bifurcation = the forking of a river into tributaries

- bifurcation lake = a lake that flows into two different drainage basins

- bifurcated bonding = when a single hydrogen atom participates in two hydrogen bonds

- bifurcation (law) = when a court divides a trial into separate issues


bisect, branch, diverge, dichotomize, divide, fork, separate, split

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The group quickly bifurcated into those for, and those against the proposal."

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